Have a rhinomodelation without surgery

In the past, getting a perfect nose required surgery. Now, fortunately, this is no longer necessary. With techniques such as the injection of hyaluronic acid and the use of tensor threads, you can have the profile you have always dreamed of without any danger, economically and with little discomfort.

Rhinomodelation with hyaluronic acid

With rhinomodeling with hyaluronic acid, the dorsum or tip of the nose is modified through small deposits of hyaluronic acid. This makes the tip of the nose look higher or not so thick, as well as being able to solve slight imperfections in the ridge area.

This technique can be performed with little discomfort, generally with the application of local anesthesia or cold effect so that the patient does not feel any pain. The change is very noticeable and can be seen from the very first moment; and as soon as the person leaves the clinic, he/she will be able to lead a completely normal life.

Rhinomodelation with tensor threads

As with the previous procedure, rhinomodeling with tensor threads is performed in the clinic under local anesthesia. In this case, small-diameter threads made of polydioxanone, a carbon-based material that can be absorbed by the body, are inserted.

By applying these threads, the tip of the nose is lifted and the skin is forced to generate its own natural supports. Although it is a completely reversible treatment, the results are immediate and can last up to two years.

Rinomodelación con ácido hialurónico e hilos tensores

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Rambla President Francesc Macià, 6, local 5, 43005 Tarragona


Monday : 9:00-17:00h
Tuesday : 9:00-17:00h
Wednesday: 9:00- 19:00h
Thursday : 9:00h-17:00h
Friday: 9:00-15:00h
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