If you want to solve your excess weight problems in an effective and healthy way, and maintain the results over time, at Clínica Rigo medicina estética we can help you achieve it with the help of PronoKal.
PronoKal is a weight loss method that is developed with medical supervision, the comprehensive support of a team of experts and continuous monitoring through PronoKal Connect digital technology.
It is a scientifically endorsed methodology based on the very low-fat, normoprotein ketogenic diet. This type of diet, which is developed in the first stage of the method, is carried out with high quality protein foods and DHA (ProteinDHA formula), allowing an effective and lasting weight loss and resolving lipoinflammation, which is the cause of weight regain after finishing a diet.
PronoKal has the exclusive PronoKal® Connect technology, the tool that interconnects all the professionals of the team and through which we will follow your evolution closely. When you start your method, you will receive the PronoKal Connect smart scale. Your scale will be connected to the PronoKal® Connect app so that, as you weigh yourself, you can track your progress and share your progress with the team of experts. In addition, in the app you will find key information and resources to follow the method and your daily nutritional, exercise and motivation guidelines.
In addition to being a method supported by scientific studies and having a professional and digital accompaniment, PronoKal is a methodology that adapts to your specific metabolic characteristics. PronoKal’s Genomics is the genetic study of metabolism that, integrated to the method, will allow us to know your predisposition to excess weight and adapt the treatment regimen and subsequent weight control to your specific needs.
Ask for a first appointment with us and we will inform you about it
The success of PronoKal® is based on the team of experts, which accompanies the persons undergoing treatment at all times thanks to its integrated digital technology, PronoKal Connect.
The physician is the one who leads the whole treatment with the help of the rest of the professionals, exercising the role of Motivating Physician.
This professional is the one who detects and diagnoses excess weight, sets the weight loss goal, establishes the dietary guideline and decides when the patient moves from one step to the next. Likewise, it is he or she who, with the help of the physical activity technicians, establishes the exercise pattern (volume, intensity and frequency) to be performed by the patient at each step. Finally, it is also the physician who guarantees safety through regular analytical monitoring of the patient's state of health.
This team of professionals advises and guides the patient in the application of the method, reviews the dietary guidelines, resolves any nutritional doubts and adapts the diet to the patient's tastes and needs.
The dietician-coach team is in charge of teaching and educating the patient in the acquisition of new life habits that will remain in the future, offering psycho-emotional support throughout the treatment process.
They define the type, intensity and frequency of physical exercises. The ultimate goal of this professional is to establish physical activity as a healthy lifestyle habit for the patient. They are the creators of the guidelines that you will find in each of the steps of the method.
Each person has his or her own doctor, who acts as a motivating doctor, and a professional from the dietician-coach team, who motivates the patient through coaching techniques from the beginning of the treatment. In addition, PronoKal® coaching professionals have designed different self-application tools that will be at the patient's service to help him/her overcome any difficulty or barrier at any time.
PronoKal® Genomics is the genetic study with which you will know in detail how your metabolism behaves in relation to overweight and obesity, as well as which are the guidelines and recommendations to improve the monitoring and effectiveness of the PronoKal® Method and maintain the results, once your treatment is finished.
To obtain your personalized study, only a saliva sample is needed. It’s simple and fast!
PronoKal is a methodology scientifically endorsed by numerous clinical studies and scientific publications, which demonstrate that weight loss is effective, of high quality, safe and long-lasting.
It is very common to regain weight after finishing a diet. This phenomenon is a consequence of lipoinflammation. The term lipoinflammation refers to the inflammatory process of the cells that occurs in adipose tissue (fat) as a consequence of overweight and obesity. When fat cells increase in size due to excess weight, they trigger a series of reactions that lead to increased appetite, fat gain and increased cellular inflammation. Therefore, it is not only important to lose weight, but also to resolve lipoinflammation to break this vicious cycle.
This is the ketogenic stage, in which you will lose most of the weight in the form of fat, while maintaining muscle mass.
They are the Key to Success and it is time to gradually introduce the different food groups until you reach your target weight and achieve the change of habits.
Once you have reached your goal, we will be by your side for 2 years to help you maintain healthy habits and keep your weight off.
In addition, PronoKal offers different treatments adapted to different profiles:
Rambla President Francesc Macià, 6, local 5, 43005 Tarragona
Monday : 9:00-17:00h
Tuesday : 9:00-17:00h
Wednesday: 9:00- 19:00h
Thursday : 9:00h-17:00h
Friday: 9:00-15:00h
Saturday: Exclusive visits
Sunday: Closed
Lunes, miércoles y viernes:
10:00 a 14:00
16:00 a 20:00
Martes y jueves:
10:00 a 18:00
Citas concertadas
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