Logo Clinica Rigo

Restore your self-esteem with Aesthetic Medicine

Aesthetic medicine in Tarragona

our treatments


Integrative nutrition, Pronokal Methodology, Elipse Intragastric Balloon.


Expression wrinkles, static wrinkles, tensor threads, facial mesotherapy, etc.


Laser rejuvenation & IPL Ellipse, Morpheus8, Lipofilling, Bioplasty, etc.


Sclerotherapy of varicose veins, body mesotherapy, axillary hyperhidrosis, etc.


Morpheus8 Corporal, Bodytite, Velashape III.


Hair Mesotherapy, Alopecia Protocol, etc.


Ozone therapy, Neural Therapy, Supplementation, etc.

¿Por qué elegirnos?

Siéntete más atractivo

Consigue más seguridad

Obtén el mejor precio

Dra. Yilian Rigo

I know there is a part of your body that you don’t like. Logically this makes you feel sad, and with low self-esteem. It is not fair that you are going through this situation.

I know how you feel and that’s why I want to help you.

I am a general practitioner graduated from the Hospital Sant Joan de Reus and I have more than 20 years of experience that includes masters in nutrition, advanced aesthetic medicine and courses/congresses in laser technology and orthomolecular medicine.

With my team we have already helped hundreds of people like you to achieve the change they are looking for. The change that will allow you to regain the happiness and self-esteem you feel you have lost.

Schedule your consultation today to meet you and get to know us, so that together we can create the change you are looking for and need.

Life is too short not to live it to the fullest.

Logo Dorado Clinica Rigo

La vida es demasiado corta para sentirte mal contigo mismo

¿Te reconoces en las siguientes situaciones?

Mujer feliz

Ninguna persona debería pasar por una situación así. ¡Déjanos ayudarte!

Te damos la bienvenida a la clínica de la Doctora Rigo

Centró médico y estético avanzado en Tarragona

Play Video about clínica doctora Rigo te escucha y soluciona tus inquietudes en medicina estética

El éxito de nuestros tratamientos personalizados se basa en la experiencia de más de 20 años de nuestros profesionales, la dedicación y la empatía que nos caracteriza y la comodidad de nuestras instalaciones.

Contacta con Clínica Dra Rigo Medicina Estetica y te ofreceremos nuestros tratamientos personalizados. En Clínica Doctora Rigo de Tarragona te ofrecemos un trato personalizado y profesional, y nuestros tratamientos siguen siempre los avances científicos más recientes. Te esperamos para ayudarte a mejorar tu salud y bienestar.

Tú mereces ser feliz. ¿Qué te lo impide?

Te escuchamos y te entendemos

Somos tu guía para ayudarte a conseguir ese cambio que quieres y en todo momento te lo hacemos sentir así.

Cuida tu bienestar físico y mental

Conoce nuestro enfoque integral que combina diferentes soluciones y tratamientos para que te sientas y veas mejor.

Accede a tratamientos asequibles

Tenemos una gran variedad de tratamientos que se ajustan a tu bolsillo.

Conoce el método para cambiar tu vida en 3 pasos

1- Conversamos

Cuéntanos cómo estás, cómo te sientes y cuál es tu problema. Juntos vamos a conseguir el cambio que quieres.

2- Tratamos

Tenemos una gran variedad de opciones y tratamientos para solucionar tu problema. Aplicamos el más ajustado a ti y tu presupuesto.

3- ¡Tu vida cambia!

Te sientes más feliz, con más autoestima, tus relaciones mejoran. ¡Bienvenido a tu nueva vida!

Play Video about clínica doctora Rigo tratamientos estéticos en Tarragona


Find out what our patients say about us



I am delighted with Dra. Rigo's treatment: she is an excellent professional and so is her team. I followed the Pronokal diet and was cared for at all times. I am delighted with the results. After the diet I had a Morpheus session and I was also delighted with the results. Now I am doing Velashape + mesotherapy and I am starting to see the results. I recommend the clinic 100%, I encourage you, you will be delighted🤩

Marian Cuadrat



I really like the attention received by Dra. Rigo, she carries out a thorough examination of your face and recommends the best treatment tailored to your needs.
The products used are some of the best on the market. The team that accompanies her is very professional and friendly.
The facilities are very nice and above all very clean. 100% recommendable.

Luisa Rigual



Very professional and delicate. An unbeatable treatment. The results are incredible. I recommend them 100%. It has become my clinic of confidence. I plan to do all my treatments with them. I love them.

María De la Iglesia



I am very satisfied and very happy to have found Dra. Rigo.
She is an excellent doctor, she listens to your concerns and offers you the best alternative for your ailment, explaining the pros and cons of each procedure. She is dynamic, active, efficient, responsible and very professional, able to understand your fears very quickly and dispel them in a moment.

Nancy Cruz



Excellent treatment, I started with a facial treatment and the results have exceeded my expectations. I was guided by the reviews and it has been a success, the treatment is very professional and friendly, from the reception staff to the attention in the box. They listen to you, attend to you and give you great advice. I already have my trusted clinic and I recommend it 100%.

Núria Martínez

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    Rambla President Francesc Macià, 6, local 5, 43005 Tarragona


    Monday : 9:00-17:00h
    Tuesday : 9:00-17:00h
    Wednesday: 9:00- 19:00h
    Thursday : 9:00h-17:00h
    Friday: 9:00-15:00h
    Saturday: Exclusive visits
    Sunday: Closed

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