Body mesotherapy is a treatment that consists of infiltrations applied with micro-injections of small quantities of homeopathic medicine, vitamins, minerals and amino acids under the surface of the skin, in the area or areas where there is accumulated fat, cellulite, oedemas in the extremities and flaccidity, with the function of stimulating the elimination of localised fat, increasing circulation to activate the elimination of toxins and liquids from the area to be treated.
In our medical centre we use local cutaneous anaesthesia and a Pistor Eliance mesotherapy gun equipment to minimise the discomfort of inflammations and reduce the predictable side effects such as haematomas, oedemas and infections.
This treatment is used at Clínica Rigo in Tarragona in conjunction with other advanced technologies such as medical radiofrequency (Cocoon), Indiba pressotherapy (Sorisa), carboxitherapy (Carbomed), for long-lasting and visible results.
Rambla President Francesc Macià, 6, local 5, 43005 Tarragona
Monday : 9:00-17:00h
Tuesday : 9:00-17:00h
Wednesday: 9:00- 19:00h
Thursday : 9:00h-17:00h
Friday: 9:00-15:00h
Saturday: Exclusive visits
Sunday: Closed
Lunes, miércoles y viernes:
10:00 a 14:00
16:00 a 20:00
Martes y jueves:
10:00 a 18:00
Citas concertadas
Desarrollado por Agencia Fenix